
DISCLOSURE: NOTICE OF Copyright © 2019  LSG Housing Network PMA. Disclaimer: Any information or answers are provided for informational purposes only, does not constitute legal advice, and does not create PMA-Member relationship. THIS SITE IS NOT INTENDED TO BE
MISCONSTRUED AS LEGAL ADVICE. Legal Information is NOT Legal Advice: This site provides information” that is only designed to help users safely cope with their own general legal needs. Legal information is NOT the same as legal advice — the application of law to an individual’s specific circumstances. LSG Housing Network is a National Private Members Association (PMA). PLEASE TAKE NOTICE OF THE FOLLOWING MARS Disclosure[s] 12 C.F.R. 1015.: (1) LSG Housing Network PMA is NOT Affiliated with any Government Agency or Any Bank Lender; (2) Even if YOU Accept any of  LSG Housing Network PMA Services Your Lender May Choose to NOT Change Your Loan.  LSG Housing Network PMA

The materials contained on this website are for information and education purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. LSG does not provide legal assistance by email. Contact a private attorney if you need to speak with an attorney regarding your particular situation.