Speak To A Foreclosure Expert Today: (800) 605-5207

Foreclosure Defense Experts

We help families save their home from foreclosure!

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foreclosure defense Solution

LSG Housing Network is A Private Members Legal Support Advocacy Association, we have formed teams of dynamic, aggressive, and talented Service providers i.e. Mortgage Compliance Investigators, Research Litigation Support Specialist and A Network of Attorneys. We are devoted to advocating and educating uniformed homeowner of their property rights as home owners to protect their civil state and federal rights as Home owners.

No Payment While We Fight

Make No Mortgage Payments While We Defend Your Foreclosure

Foreclosure Defense Experts

We have helped hundreds of families save their home from foreclosure.

About Us

LSG Watch a Private members housing advocacy  watchdog organization our housing programs created to researching and monitor illegal predatory mortgage practices in housing industry we keep the Bad actors on their toes by investigating, documenting and assist to take action of lenders/ investors  deceptive practices while educating Responsible uniformed @ risk homeowners from being victimized s by illegal mortgage backdoor predatory servicing & accounting  system tactic’s , & demanding from  our gov’t regulatory agencies & officials protect the rights of the homeowner’s property rights as a housing advocacy watchdog group we monitor and hold the industry accountable by policing them and making sure the bad actors in the industry are held accountable and the Political leadership and the authority’s don’t say one thing  then turn a blind eye  and  take the political contributions from the Mortgage  Industry  if  your a Homeowner  and  think  your victim of predatory mortgage servicing  & illegal manufacture  default mortgage practice contact our office for free confidential telephone mortgage  evaluation with no obligation.

Don’t  be  misled   by  the housing market will place mis information campaigns  and  their agents  of unethical  Real Estate Professional  who put profit  over people contact us through our website  we work to educate homeowners  against the well place market lead  mis-information campaigns mostly  created and  funded to protect the mortgage Banking  industry.

LSG Watch  programs we are committed  to  protect our community’s property rights if you think you think you are  victim  facing housing  illegal  foreclosure default  or you just want  to verify  your   mortgage note &  deed is  valid  and  property rights are in tact  get in contact  with LSG Watch we seek to serve Responsible Homeowner / Residence protect our community’s  nationwide. 

Make No Mortgage Payment While We Fight For You.

Speak to a Foreclosure Defense Expert

Learning About Foreclosure Defense

How To Prevent Foreclosure

When choosing the ideal foreclosure defense strategy, there are a few variables to keep in mind. Not every mortgage is the same, and not every foreclosure is the same. When LSG designs any foreclosure solution, you can have confidence in its success. If you are a homeowner learning how to prevent a foreclosure sale, here is what should be taken into consideration.


State law: Judicial or Non-Judicial Foreclosure?


Are there suspected errors in the Mortgage?


Has a Loan Modification or Bankruptcy been filed?

Do I Have A Case ?

LSG Watch, PMA 3 Main Services

Preliminary Check

Pre Screening investigate and fact check mortgage status and monitor Status of Foreclosure Procedures or eviction issue

Full Home Loan Securitization Audit & County Records Report

This advanced report uses data bases that cost thousands of dollars per month to access.

LSG Watch, PMA to Aid Homeowner Further

Refer you to other quality firms to help you go forward successfully in pursuit of your lender if needed.

Speak to a Foreclosure Defense Expert:

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See What Our Clients Say About Us  

Client Testimonials

LSG Watch is one of the best consumer denser networks in the country. Personally, they stopped two foreclosures for me and opened my eyes to the tricks of the mortgage business. They forced the banks to work a deal with me without any documents that a modification requires. LSG makes it clear, YOU have rights!!! LSG has a Phenomenal work ethic and will get results for you. Since working with LSG, I’ve learned that it is legal for the banks to foreclose on your home if you don’t know your rights, but illegal for them to foreclose on your home if you know your rights. Thanks LSG…
Marcus F
Tucker, GA
I am grateful to report that I obtained the service of LSG in 2011, and in 2017 I am still in my home. I am praying daily that I and my children will be able to remain here was this is the only home they have ever known. The LSG firm has been most professional in making sure all information, correspondence, and any other pertinent notification relating to my case has been prepared and presented in a timely manner. Currently, my case has been moved to a higher level. As I stated, the LSG firm started to work with me in 2011, I am still in my home, and with much prayer and the firm’s competent assistance, I continue to press forward.
Karen C vs Lender Bank of America
Mobile, AL